Cherishing the Inbetweens

The title of my blog is about the inbetweens. Inbetweens are those moments between the hustle and bustle of life that make life worth living.

I'm talking about when you're running late dropping your kid off at preschool while also trying to get to work on time. You hurriedly drop him off and head towards the door when you hear a familiar voice across the playground saying, "Mom! I love you!" followed with a smile, wave, and blown kiss.

Or rushing through listening to the voicemails you missed while at a work meeting and after several messages a tiny voice that belongs to your baby girl comes on saying hi over and over again.

Or when you've made another late night trip to the store because it's the only free time you've had and you're tired and crabby and thinking of all the things you still have to do before going to bed. All of a sudden you walk out the doors and it is snowing the first snow of the season. You look up into the dark sky and feel all of those beautiful white flakes falling across your cheeks. For that single moment all is right in the world.

Those, my friends, are the inbetweens. Sure, we all love a good birthday party or a school play, but those moments that happen unexpectedly when you've had a stressful day and just want to throw in the towel those are what keeps you going. Cherish those inbetweens.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Welcome Miss Maisy Jane

We have a new addition to our family. On July 12, 2010 we welcomed baby Maisy to the world at 12:58pm. She was 8lbs and 19in even. She came out screaming. It took me by surprise. She is full of both sassiness and sweetness. The delivery and hospital stay was mostly uneventful this time around. Aiden was so cute meeting his sister and giggled at all of her "squeaks" as he calls them. The adjustment has been a little tough with Aiden. He has been acting out alot, but it gets better every day.

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